Under normal circumstances the Point-of-Sale software – Reggie – automatically receives updates over the air. However, depending on the WiFi connection quality or times of operation, the system may fall behind in updates. On another occasion there can be a problem with the system settings for the automated updates. This article shows how to check and correct, if needed, the settings as well as how to force the update of the Reggie software.

The steps cannot be carried out remotely. You need to physically go to your POS terminal to force the update.

On the terminal, go to apps and launch the F-Droid application:

In the F-Droid, click on the Settings button (from the bottom panel) and make sure that Automatically install updates is turned on and the Automatic update interval is set to “every 4 hours”.

Lastly, to force an immediate update of the system, click on the Updates button (bottom panel) and make a pull-down-to-refresh gesture by swiping your finger top-down. If all goes well, you should see a message that your system is up to date.