Similarly to student charges, you can import student refunds. A CSV file with the columns described here can be provided to PushCoin via the SFTP. The file refers to previous charges that should be refunded.

Important: If you plan on using the SFTP, you must provide PushCoin with the IP address or the IP range from where the uploads will originate. Otherwise all SFTP connections will time out due to firewall policy.

The CSV file needs to be uploaded under this path and a file-name:


The <_XXXX> placeholder in the filename can be omitted or used to name the source where the refunds come from. Examples of valid filenames:

  • student_refunds.csv
  • student_refunds_destiny.csv
  • student_refunds_2017-02-12-library-fees.csv

[1] Mandatory fields are marked in red.

Column name Type Description
charge_tracking_id String A unique identifier of the charge. PushCoin guarantees only one refund of a charge with this key will ever be applied to the student account regardless of how many times the file is uploaded. This identifier expires after 7 days.
tx_item_rowid String A permanent transaction item identifier charge_tracking_id.
note String (Optional) A short note to attach to the refund transaction. Max. 255 chars.