In PushCoin, parents link to their students with a unique registration code. A portion of parents never receive the registration code of their students and resort to filling out an online form to request the code. The system then heuristically determines if the person who filled out the form can be given the code. Over 93% of the time, the system verifies and serves the registration code to a parent. When the system cannot automatically provide the student registration code, a ticket is created and assigned to PushCoin support. The most common cases for not providing the registration code automatically include:

  • A family has recently enrolled a child with the school. Parent rushed to register with PushCoin but the student record hasn’t yet arrived from the Student Information System (SIS) in PushCoin.
  • There are typos in the student SIS record or the parent request. The information provided online by the parent – such as the student’s date of birth – does not match the information received from the school SIS.
  • The email from which the parent sent the request is not listed as primary nor secondary contact in the school SIS.

Starting October 1st, 2019 PushCoin will send the (unresolved) parent requests to obtain the registration code to the appropriate school. A school administrator monitoring the account will determine if the request is valid and reply with the registration code or deny the request. Below is a hypothetical email that a school will receive with the information filled by a parent:

User Mary Hopping is requesting the student registration code.

=== Request from ===

Name: Mary Hopping

=== Entered student information ===
Name: John Doe, Jr
Student ID: Not provided
Grade: 1st grade
DoB: 2011-01-11

Primary guardian: Mary Doe
Secondary guardian: Mark Doe

=== Address ===
110 Aspen Road, Hommerville, Illinois

=== *** ===

If the information provided under the “Entered student information” closely matches a student in PushCoin or the SIS, the school administrator can share the registration code with the person who filled out the form. The registration code is located in the student’s profile in PushCoin.

Why this change?

Our team cannot always verify if the request is from a parent or guardian. For example, a school might not have shared with PushCoin the student residency, thus it’s hard to determine if the request is actually from a parent. Another reason is that the Student Information System may be falling behind sending to PushCoin freshly enrolled students. This and similar reasons contribute to delays in our response times and overall buildup of tickets in PushCoin.

By sending the “unresolved code requests” to the appropriate schools, parents will be able to safely obtain the registration code, link to their child in PushCoin and quickly pay school fees.