If your cashiers accept cash at the point of sale (POS), you probably have a policy for cashiers to count all cash in drawers and submit their end of day balances to you. If this process relies on paper forms, emails, phone calls or SMS, you will find this new enhancement valuable – it’s more secure, convenient for cashiers and saves you a lot of time!
The most recent, automatically installed version (3.016) of the PushCoin POS adds a new menu item: Cash form.
With the Cash form, your cashiers gain access to a new screen where they simply enter counts of denominations found in their drawer: coins, bills and checks. Cashiers do not have to compute the cash balance (hurrah – no more tedious math!). The system automatically adds up all their money, based on the entered number of coins and bills, and instantly pushes this information to your PushCoin account.
Schools involved in testing the Cash form tried it on all their POS stations and would never want to go back to the old ways of handling this task. We hope you will find it just as useful. If you are a school where cashiers do not report their end of day cash, now you have one more reason to start.