Normally, the system won’t let you refund a fee that is managed by the automatic process of assigning fees from the Student Information System. So if you find yourself needing to apply a discount to an already assigned fee, follow these steps: Change the dollar amount of the fee (under Products) to reflect a prorated […]
Category: For school administrators
Importing student refunds in bulk
Similarly to student charges, you can import student refunds. A CSV file with the columns described here can be provided to PushCoin via the SFTP. The file refers to previous charges that should be refunded. Important: If you plan on using the SFTP, you must provide PushCoin with the IP address or the IP range from […]
Importing student charges in bulk
PushCoin can import student charges from a file. A CSV file with the columns described here can be provided to PushCoin via the admin console (under Billing > Queued charges) or through automated process (SFTP). The file includes charges to apply to student wallet or liability accounts. For example, you can automate pulling “student late fees”, “lost book” or “damaged Chromebook” […]
Automating student billing between PushCoin and the SIS
PushCoin simplifies billing and refunding of student fees by integrating with the Student Information System (SIS). In this process, the SIS and PushCoin work together to ensure that balances and charges on student accounts accurately reflect grades, activities or course selections without any manual intervention. Common scenarios like discounted charges based on student’s FREE or […]
Installing Hacker’s Keyboard on Android terminal
Installing Hacker’s Keyboard is recommended on Android devices that have a hardware keyboard or keyboard-like device connected to them. Examples of such input devices are pinpad or barcode scanner. The Hacker’s Keyboard is open-source, peer-reviewed. Other than fixing defects in the default Google keyboard, the Hacker’s Keyboard is specially suitable if you type a mix of letters and numbers […]
Uploading students data with SFTP
Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP, is a network protocol that provides encrypted file access over the internet. PushCoin customers can utilize SFTP for uploading student photos or student records. This article describes steps for uploading student records via SFTP, including the file format, directory where to upload the file and the filename convention. Alternative method for uploading student records is via Web API. […]
Refund, Void, Withdrawal
There are three related methods in which a previous transaction can be corrected. Below we go over the methods and explain when it’s appropriate to either refund, void or withdraw. Refund Refund is the opposite transaction to a sale. Issuing a refund is the most common action taken to correct previous POS or online transaction. For example, when a parent […]
Steps to force an update on Android with Google Play Store
From the Android home, launch the Apps (circle at the bottom screen with six squares in it), then launch the Play Store Once in the Play Store, touch the “hamburger” icon: You should see a menu drop-down, pick My apps or My apps & games. Finally, touch UPDATE ALL to update all apps installed on the terminal.
Uploading student data with Web API
[For introduction to PushCoin Web API, read Automation of tasks with PushCoin Web API] One of the most common uses of the Web API is to synchronize PushCoin with the School’s Student Information System. For example, when a student leaves the school we want the POS system to notice it and lock the account. You probably want to schedule this as a nightly […]
Automation of tasks with PushCoin Web API
Overview School administrators are welcome to automate common tasks through our Web API. Examples of tasks that you may want to consider the API for include: Automating updates between Student Information System and PushCoin. Downloading sale transactions or revenue data into a third-party accounting system. Generating reports or carrying out statistical analysis in an external tool […]