You have likely noticed the all new front page at The site was upgraded to the latest responsible web framework to deliver even quicker download times.
Category: For school administrators
[Website] Homeroom shown on the student’s profile.
Recently we announced the option to include the student’s homeroom in the data exchanged between the school SIS and PushCoin. With this enhancement, we now display the homeroom record on the student’s profile. The homeroom record is also included when generating student mealcards in PushCoin.
[API change] image_url deprecated from the students export
The API endpoint /api/v1/guest/customers – which is used to export students from PushCoin by an authorized school administrator – will no longer return image_url data. A concern was raised that if the exported file somehow made its way into the wrong hands, student pictures could be downloaded in bulk. We consider all input from schools […]
[NSLP] Preparation to move you to the multi-coupon model has started.
Due to overall complexity of this upgrade, you may experience occasional service interruption of some parts of the website. This upgrade may last until the end of 2019. Every school account in PushCoin is undergoing a transition to the new, multi-coupon system where a student may have one or more coupons assigned at any time. […]
Schools to receive emails from parents unable to link to students in PushCoin.
In PushCoin, parents link to their students with a unique registration code. A portion of parents never receive the registration code of their students and resort to filling out an online form to request the code. The system then heuristically determines if the person who filled out the form can be given the code. Over […]
[Release] Reggie 3.008 now available
We are pleased to announce the availability of Reggie 3.008, the latest stable release of the cafeteria POS software. Updates & bug fixes [Optimization] Under adverse WiFi conditions, the application made concurrent and too frequent attempts at resubmitting transactions putting unnecessary load on the infrastructure.
[New] Quickly create student mealcards featuring barcodes, right in PushCoin.
We are happy to offer you an online tool that can generate cafeteria mealcards for your students. Simply follow the instructions on this page to get started. We included the most common Avery formats but let us know if you need a format that we don’t already support.
How to generate mealcards in PushCoin
To generate mealcards, or student ID cards, head over to Cafeteria > Mealcards. Next, click on the New job button in the top-right corner. On the Mealcard job page, begin by providing a Job name – it will help you later identify this batch of mealcards among many. For example, if you need to generate […]
[API change] CSV/JSON result of /api/v1/guest/customers
Effective September 14, 2019, the CSV/JSON result of calling the endpoint /api/v1/guest/customers will change as follows: user_biometrics_permitted (dropped) last_wallet_tx_iso_time (dropped) last_wallet_tx_date (dropped) homeroom (added) Rationale The user_biometrics_permitted has not been used since the deprecation of biometric identification of students. The last_wallet_tx_iso_time and last_wallet_tx_date put excessive computational overhead to retrieve. The homeroom was added primarily for […]
New Free/Reduced price meals application is live.
We are happy to announced that the redesigned Free/Reduced price meals application is now live at What’s new Support for Spanish, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian languages. Simplified form structure. Less than 60 seconds of delay between the submission of the application by a parent/guardian to its appearance in the PushCoin administrative console.