Usually, transaction receipts are delivered to parents within a few minutes but on occasion the system may postpone them for hours or even an entire day. This is because PushCoin has to obey a daily email quota for sending emails. If quota is reached, it queues up today’s email receipts for the following day’s delivery. […]
Category: For school administrators
Student “Active” status in PushCoin vs SIS
Once in a while we run into this question, usually at the start of a school year: “A student who never showed up for school was delisted in our SIS — why hasn’t PushCoin refunded the enrollment fees automaticaly?” To answer this question — and solve the “refund problem” — we need to review the […]
The Internet is as “free” as the browser you are using…
Starting September 1st, our users who came to using Microsoft Edge browser were shown a strongly worded message: PushCoin did not receive any upfront communication from Microsoft about this. It was just as big of a surprise to all of us at PushCoin as it was to our users. It impacted students who were […]
Transfers from/to Wallet require settled funds
In the past, it was possible for parents – and the school staff – to transfer money between the Wallets or Fees accounts regardless if the underlying funds have settled in the school bank. Effective immediately, the system requires that only settled funds can be transferred. This ensures that for any charge to have a […]
How to safely delete a cafeteria product
Consider the following scenario when deleting a cafeteria product: A terminal (POS machine) is working offline and keeps all sales and products in its local memory. Meanwhile, a cafeteria manager deletes a product on the PushCoin admin website. Any POS working offline is unaware that the product was deleted. The POS eventually reconnects and pushes […]
Upgraded Fees engine
We are happy to share that our Fees engine has been upgraded with additional features that many schools will benefit from. The list of additional features includes: Prorated refunds. Enumeration-based discounts. For example, you can specify that students are not charged for more than two activities per semester regardless how many activities they are enrolled […]
How to request removal (clean-up) of unused products.
Over time you will likely accumulate products that you no longer want to see on the Products page. They may include expired web store items or school fees from previous years. Deleting one or two products manually certainly works, but what if you have tens or hundreds of products that you want to get rid […]
[New] Trip manager for school buses – general availability
Over the last few years, a growing number of schools participated in our new online platform that helps them organize field trips. Thousands of bus drivers now rely on our system daily. In a nutshell, drivers choose the trips they’d like to take and the system allots the trips based on various criteria such as […]
Top 6 things to avoid in emails
This post is a little different. After sifting through thousands of emails, we have learned a thing about this ever-evolving form of Internet communication. Below we share our tips for email gotchas. It’s a little bit of everything, humor included. Custom fonts. You may be tempted to use any of these pretty fonts from your […]
Webstore private vs public listing.
When you sell a product online, you have the option to mark it as either public or private listing. The main difference is that a public product is accessible to everyone who visits the index or front page of the school’s webstore. It can be searched for, filtered by category or scrolled to. This means […]